CPP Parking Card

CPP Parking Card


In 2023, the City made the difficult decision to phase out our City of Perth Parking (CPP) Parking Cards, leading to the cessation of service as of 31 January 2024. We understand that this transition may have been unexpected for some, we have endeavoured to keep you informed every step of the way, both through direct communication and updates on the City of Perth Parking website.

As of 31 January 2024, all Parking Cards ceased to function. To ensure a smooth transition and to receive refunds for any outstanding balances, including your Parking Card deposit, it's essential to cancel your Parking Card promptly. Please take a moment to complete the online cancellation form provided below:

CPP Parking Card Cancellation

Key Information:

  • Refund Policy: Deposits associated with Parking Cards will be promptly refunded upon cancellation.
  • Balance Refunds: Any remaining balances on Parking Cards, excluding bonus amounts, can be refunded by completing the cancellation form.
  • Functionality Cease Date: All Parking Cards were deactivated on the 31 January 2024. Refunds will be processed once the cancellation form is received.

We extend our appreciation to our loyal customers for choosing City of Perth Parking. We value your patronage and strive to make this transition as smooth as possible for you.

Discover Convenient Alternatives:

Explore alternative methods of parking payment, such as the EasyPark App, for a hassle-free parking experience on-street and in select City of Perth Parking Car Parks. Visit cityofperthparking.com.au/easypark to learn more.

Should you have any inquiries or require assistance regarding the discontinuation of our Parking Cards, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team at cpp.inbox@cityofperth.wa.gov.au 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this transition period.